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Practical information for Ensimag master's programmes : MoSIG, AM, MSIAM, CySec, ORCO


Initial training

As with any French University program, registration requires payment of a registration fee which is revised annually by the French Minister of Education.

You can find on the CampusFrance website the national information regarding fees.

For 2024-2025, at Université Grenoble Alpes

  • French and European students will pay the "national rate" approx. 250 euros /per year
  • Non EU students: a partial tuition fee waiver will be automatically applied, thus students will pay around 250 euros (national rate) - (confirmed for 2024-2025 academic year)

In addition to this registration fee, students are also required to subscribe to the national health insurance program (free of charge)

Continuing Education

Students over 28 years old who are currently working in industry, might be required to pay a higher tuition. The University will decide on a case by case basis, and students who are admitted as continuing education students will be informed at the time of the admission.

Scholarships for foreign students in France

Information to be found on the Campus France website. The French Foreign Ministry awards many different scholarships to foreign students. 25% of these scholarships are directly financed by the Ministry in the framework of Eiffel (for Master's or Doctoral level studies) or Major programmes (for the best foreign students who have graduated from French high schools abroad). The rest are provided by France embassies abroad.

The Eiffel framework provides scholarships, however this scholarship program has a very low rate of acceptance. We only present very few applications, and only those selected by our partner institutions for students who are first of their class.

Find out directly from the Campus France office for your country to learn which scholarship programmes you are eligible for.

IDEX Univ Grenoble Alpes Master Scholarships (open)

The « Initiative d'Excellence » (IDEX in short) Université Grenoble Alpes is welcoming applications for the Master Scholarship program. Applications to this program are open to foreign students who apply to the Masters' programmes offered in Grenoble.


Applicants can apply to:

  • The first year of a Master
  • The second year of a Master

Students must be arriving from a foreign university, or be registered in France and holder of a secondary school diploma from abroad.

  • The selection of the candidates will mainly take into account their academic record.


  • The amount of the scholarship is 8 000 euros per academic year for master 1
  • For master 2, as the second semester is devoted to the final master thesis (funded internship) the amount of the scholarship is 5 000 euros


When submitting your on-line application for the CySec, MoSIG, MSIAM or ORCO program, you will just have to tick a box "I wish to apply for a scholarship" You do not have to apply for the scholarship directly.


  • application period: from January 2024 to May 2024
  • Professors review the application forms and propose the best candidates for the scholarship committee at the end of May.
  • Early June: scholarship committee is held
  • Answers will be given to selected students after the committee (mid-June)

PERSYVAL-Lab scholarships for master degree (open)

The PERSYVAL Labex program has just launched its call for applications for its scholarchip program for students applying to the second year Masters programs at Université Grenoble Alpes related to mathematics, applied mathematics, informatics, signal processing and automatics.

  • Scholarship information
  • deadline to apply to the master's program: May, 2024
  • eligibility criteria
    • all students accepted for M2 (M1 Ensimag students included) showing a strong interest for research and wanting to apply for a doctoral program within one of the labs associated with persyval-Lab
  • 10 grants allocated for 2024-2025, based on excellence criteria (amount of the grant: 8 000 euros)
  • Eligible master's programs taught in English:
    • M2 in Informatics at Grenoble (MoSIG)
    • M2 in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (MSIAM)
    • M2 in Cybersecurity (CySec)
    • M2 in Operations Research, Combinatorics and Optimization (ORCO)
    • Master in Systems, Control and Information Technologies (MiSCIT)
    • Signal & Image processing Methods & Applications (SIGMA)
    • Mathématiques Fondamentales
    • Master Microéléctronique Intégration des Systèmes Temps Réels et Embarqués (MISTRE)
    • Master TSI - Mobile, Autonomous and Robotic Systems (MARS)
  • Contact


  • Professors review the application forms and propose the best candidates for the scholarship committee at the end of May.
  • Early June: scholarship committee is held
  • Answers will be given to selected students after the committee (mid-June)

MIAI@Grenoble Alpes Master 2 Research Scholarships (open)

MIAI@Grenoble Alpes has launched a scholarship program for attracting exceptional candidates in the second year (M2) of one of University Grenoble Alpes Master's degrees related to Artificial Intelligence. This grant of 8 000 euros intended to support excellent students willing to work in Artificial Intelligence (for both their Master and PhD degrees) and whose income is insufficient to cover their fees. Grants will cover the academic year from September 2024 to June 2025, which includes 4 months of courses and 6 months of master's thesis.

Selected students should apply, at the end of their Master, to a to a doctoral program within one of the Grenoble research laboratories. All excellent students are invited to apply. A maximum of 10 grants will be allocated for each academic year. Candidates must have successfully completed the first year of a master's degree course or an equivalent qualification recognized by UGA.

Information posted here.


When submitting your on-line application for the CySec, MoSIG, MSIAM or ORCO program, you will just have to tick a box "I wish to apply for a scholarship" You do not have to apply for the scholarship directly.


  • application period: from January 2024 to May 2024
  • Professors review the application forms and propose the best candidates for the scholarship committee at the end of May.
  • Early June: scholarship committee is held
  • Answers will be given to selected students after the committee (mid-June)

France-Excellence Europa (closed)

Developed by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the "France Excellence Europa" scholarship program allows students from 26 European Union countries to obtain scholarships to study at the Master's level in a French institution of higher education.

Conditions of eligibility

  • Be a national of one of the following 26 European Union member states: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden.
  • Students of French nationality, including bi-nationals, are not eligible for the program
  • Be between 18 and 25 years old at the time of the beginning of your stay in France
  • Be admitted to a French higher education institution in Master 1 or Master 2
  • Not be the recipient of an Erasmus +, AUF or other French ministry scholarship.

Eligible areas of study

Computer Science and Digital

Duration of the Grant

  • a maximum of 12 months when enrolling in M2
  • a maximum of 24 months when enrolling in M1

Application Deadline

The deadline for submitting applications is March 30, 2024. The "France Excellence Europa scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic excellence and is in line with the strategic priorities of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Information posted here.

Dernière modification le 19 / 06 / 2024 à 10h26