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Practical information for Ensimag master's programmes : MoSIG, AM, MSIAM, CySec, ORCO

Admission information MoSIG / AM / MSIAM / Cybersecurity / ORCO

Step by step

  1. first apply !
  2. wait for the notice of admission (posted on your personal space)
  3. if you are accepted, then proceed with visa application
    not needed for European students
    for some countries, Etudes en France (see list below)
    for the rest of the world, contact the French Embassy or Consulate of your country of residence
  4. once you have your student Visa, arrange your trip to Grenoble
  5. participate in the integration week with your new fellow students

Detailed instructions are given below

Application platform and deadlines for non-local students

Information for non-local students: Foreign students and French students registered in other universities

Application link The application platform will be open from 01/Déc/2023 to 30/Apr/2024.

If you need a visa to study in France we strongly recommend you to apply by the end of March 2024

Application platform and deadlines for local students (UGA Faculty of Science and Grenoble INP - UGA students)

Students already registered at Grenoble INP - UGA can find information on the following web page:

Beware: the application platforms are different!

Eligibility and requirements

The information given below concerns mainly non-local students, meaning students applying from a foreign university or from a French University other than UGA and Grenoble INP.

AM, MSIAM, MoSIG, CySec, and ORCO are highly competitive academic programs, with selection on the basis of prior academic and/or scientific achievement as documented by academic transcripts, a motivational essay, letters of recommendation and standardized test scores.

Language requirements

Students are required to provide evidence of Competence in English.
English scores required for the MoSIG, AM, MSIAM, CySec and ORCO programs: TOEFL IBT 78, CBT 210, Paper 547 / TOEIC 700 / Cambridge FCE / IELTS 6.0 min.
This is equivalent to CEFR level B2.

If you have successfully completed a degree (or equivalent) course at a University in one of the following countries then you meet the English requirement automatically: Australia, Canada, Guyana, Ireland, New Zealand, Nigeria, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States of America, West Indies.

No exceptions will be made for this prerequisite and the documents requested.

Degree requirements

For admission to the full two year program you must have a Bachelor's Degree of at least 3 years duration (equivalent to the European Licence).

For admission directly to the second year of the program (MSIAM-M2, MoSIG-M2, CySec or ORCO) you must have a 4-year Bachelor's Degree or equivalent, or be currently enrolled in master's studies. The minimum requirement is to have earned at least the equivalent of 240 ECTS credits.

MoSIG (M1 - M2)

To be admitted to the program, candidates must have previously completed their undergraduate studies and been awarded a Bachelor degree in either Science (BSc) or Engineering (BEng) that includes courses in computing and solid practice in programming. Applications of candidates with bachelor in Computer Science or Computer Engineering will be preferably considered. Skills in mathematics (algebra, probability theory) and Informatics (C/C++/JAVA, algorithms, Computer architectures, Operating Systems principles), Data bases and software engineering are required.

AM (M1)

To be admitted to the program, candidates must have previously completed their undergraduate studies and been awarded a Bachelor degree in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics.
Who can apply?

  • Anyone holding a L3 or Bachelor Degree in mathematics or applied mathematics or an equivalent degree, interested in pursuing a high level mathematical education and motivated by the applications of mathematics.
  • Students from related backgrounds (physics, computer science, engineering, etc) may also apply provided they possess outstanding mathematical qualifications and are highly motivated by applications.


To be admitted to the program, candidates must have previously completed their undergraduate studies and been awarded a Bachelor degree in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics.
Who can apply? Anyone holding a first year of master 60ECTS credits in mathematics or applied mathematics or an equivalent degree, interested in pursuing a high level mathematical education and motivated by the applications of mathematics.

  • Students from related backgrounds (physics, computer science, engineering, etc) may also apply provided they possess outstanding mathematical qualifications and are highly motivated by applications.

CySec (M2)

To be admitted to the program, candidates shall have previously completed their undergraduate studies and been awarded a Bachelor degree in either Science (BSc) or Engineering (BEng) that includes courses in computing and solid practice in programming. Applications of candidates with bachelor in Computer Science or Computer Engineering will be preferably considered. Skills in mathematics (algebra, probability theory, arithmetics) are required for the optional courses on advanced cryptology. Admission of students is always at the discretion of the Master team which may require that the student attend pre training courses.

Who can apply?

  • Anyone holding a first year of master with 60 ECTS credits in computer science, computer engineering, mathematics or applied mathematics or an equivalent degree; and interested in pursuing a high level education in computer security and cryptology.
  • Admission is also possible for students having successfully completed the MoSIG-M1 (first year of MoSIG) program including the elective course Introduction to Cryptology and Coding.


To be admitted to the program, candidates shall have previously completed the first year of a master program (M1) in Computer science, Applied Mathematics or Industrial Engineering, or shall hold an equivalent degree. Basic skills in the following domains would largely be appreciated: probability theory, graph theory, linear programming, branch and bound. Candidates can contact the persons in charge of the master program to have references of books and/or articles on these domains to prepare at best.

Instructions for completing the online application process

If you encounter difficulties or requests for information that you can not provide, please contact us at

Students need to apply at least 5 days before the admission committee in order to have their applications assessed.

Application requires uploading some documents:

  • Copy of your most recent diplomas, with a translation of the diploma in French or English.
  • Certified copy of the final grades obtained for all University Studies.
  • Copy of grades obtained so far for this academic year, and date by which you can provide your final grades (final transcripts will be needed for admission).
  • Recommendation letter(s). You can submit up to three recommendation letters (print on letter head, and submit using the on-line tool (uploads)
  • Certification of competence in French and or English. For application to a program taught in English, a CECR level of B2 (advanced intermediate) is generally required. Test scores: TOEFL IBT 78, CBT 210, Paper 547 / TOEIC 700 / Cambridge FCE / IELTS 6.0

Optional documents:

  • Official description of the grading system in use at your current university
  • Description of your most recent academic program, including number hours, credits and subjects studied for each class.

Admission Process

The admissions committee will meet each month. For information the dates of your admission committees are as follows:

January 25, 2024
February 15, 2024
March 14, 2024
April 4, 2024
May 2, 2024
May 14, 2024
June 6, 2024
June 13, 2024
July 4, 2024

Submitting your application close to an admission committee gathering date means it might be reviewed only during the next admission committee gathering date.

admission information

You can check on your account, a few days after each admission committee, you will be able to see the decision taken on your admission status

  • admitted
  • not admitted
  • re-orientation proposition

In case of admission, our registrar's office will be posting on your personal space your official admission letter. If you need an original copy, you need to ask for it.

In case of refusal, the means and terms for appeals are detailed below:

Any appeal must be made in writing and addressed to the President of the Academic Accreditation Comittee (CVA) within two months from the publication of the results (administrative appeal). Within the same time period, the applicant also has the possibility of briging proceedings before the Administrative Court of Grenoble.

Visa matters - Students from outside Europe

Etudes en France

This portal has been set up to facilitate the pre-registration process for 250 French universities and grandes écoles and to help you prepare your visa application.

List of countries: Algeria, Argentina, Azerbaïdjan, Bahrain, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Haiti, Hong-kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Qatar, Democratic Republic of Congo, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Syria, Taiwan, Togo, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vietnam.

This list is indicative, you will find up-to-date information about countries covered by EEF procedure at the bottom of this page

Apply here

Applying through Etudes en France is necessary to obtain a Visa, and you will have to enter your CEF number during the application process.

For countries not listed, you have to contact your nearest French Embassy or Consulate.

Additional information

  • Campus France
    (Note that in the Campus France web site, our master's are listed under the Catalogue for Programs taught in English).
  • CEF procedure

Other countries

If you are not from one of these countries, you will need to contact the French Embassy for a student Visa. Attention: This process can cause long delays.

Whether or not you apply to Campus France, you have to complete your application for admission.


Dernière modification le 06 / 05 / 2024 à 13h24